Home Lab Concepts

Can hardly believe I am almost ready to graduate. The last three semesters have been a blur and I am sure if you think its all summed up in the several blog posts so far that it probably was but alas I assure you that working full time and studying has left me little time to post.

This however excites me to much to keep it to myself. I have finally taken the initive to draft and build a home IT lab that will allow me (and a select few who pay tribute in the way of pizza and Mt Dew) the ability to perfect the things we have learned thus far with hands on practice that dont involve driving to the campus lab everytime we need a hacker fix.

The foot notes on this I think are self explanatory but long story short its designed to practice for certification (CCNA, MCITP, LINUX+) and also be fully scalable to grow as I head into the advanced program later this year.

If anyone happens upon this and wants to comment feel free to chime in on the comments (you will be the first). Right now time is against me but I have all the equipment at my house and as soon as spring break hits and my vacation from work starts you better believe I will be wiring this bitch up.

Pics will follow when I am done. Hope you enjoy.

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